Travel Pillow – My Go-To Accessory


  • Suitcase Explorer
  • May 27, 2017
  • Comments Off on Travel Pillow – My Go-To Accessory

When it comes to travel stories, I am sure we have all had our fair share of embarrassing moments. You know the ones I mean. The stories where your friends roar with laughter and end up spilling their drink trying to contain themselves.  I believe it’s the look of pure delight on their faces while relishing in our momentary demise that is the clincher! Movie character Bridget Jones and her on-screen besties would fade in comparison, or maybe NOT!

If you travel anything like me, it means you are gifted with the ability of falling asleep on any plane, train or automobile but wake to find yourself in the most hilarious sleeping positions. I have become accustomed to find myself slumped in my seat to the amusement of onlookers! Oh, if only I had a photograph. Thankfully I don’t. Regardless of your travel style, whether you’re an adventurous explorer or elegant traveller, long distance travel has its own reward. Pesky stiff neck accompanied by best pal’s headache and backache are common travel companions for many.

The never-ending search for the ultimate travel pillow and optimal sleep position is well worth the effort. Who could blame us for wanting to experience the fluffy comforts of home while travelling. Arriving on location feeling somewhat refreshed should not be underestimated. There is a plethora of great products available from memory foam to microbeads and inflatable air pillows and gadgets of every variation. What pillow do I recommend? The one that you find offers the best comfort. Some need to be tried and tested for personal fit.

Personally, my GO Travel neck pillow has become my travel pillow of choice for the moment. I am always on the lookout for practical comfort. The GO Travel pillow is inexpensive and the soft memory foam allows me to use it a couple of ways – behind the neck and in front of the neck. Yes, placing the pillow in front of my neck stops my head rolling around and I find it more comfortable if I am sleeping upright. I also use my travel pillow as a backup during hotel stays. Not all hotel pillows are created equal and if you’re a neat nick like me you will also appreciate a washable cover. It works like a dream!

Purchasing your heavenly travel pillow may involve a few online clicks or a visit to your local luggage store. Either way, this is one travel purchase you won’t regret.