Why France is Always a Good Idea


Who hasn’t dreamt about traveling around France wearing chic scarves, sampling champagne, and delighting in delicious cuisine? It may sound cliché, but let’s face it, France is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Need convincing? Here are our top 5 reasons why France is definitely a must-see destination.

  1. Paris Is One Of The Most Beautiful Cities In The World

As the sun sets, the City of Lights is reflected on the still waters of the Seine. Uniform buildings expand around grand avenues, small cobblestoned streets, and green parks. The French capital is undoubtedly one of the world’s most beautiful and romantic cities. It is a place to visit palaces turned museums, artist residencies, and quiet cafes. As Audrey Hepburn said, Paris is always a good idea.

  1. The Wine Selection Is Unlimited And Delightful

France has some of the best wine in the world. Vineyards abound, and wine bars can be found throughout the country. If you’re truly committed to it, you could even do the famous Route du Vin, or Wine Route, which takes you from small town to small town on the west of the country, tasting delicious local wine. Sound heavenly? It most certainly is.

  1. You Can Find Astonishing Natural Landscapes

Many people make the mistake of ignoring the French countryside and its numerous National Parks. The country, however, is dotted with a rich and diverse landscape. Majestic gorges, pine forests, inactive volcanoes, Mediterranean coastlines, and impressive mountain ranges spread throughout the land beautifying it. You can even find the Dune du Pylat, Europe’s largest sand dune, considered one of its most breathtaking sights. With so much variety, France is a perfect beach/mountain/outdoors destination.

  1. World Famous Cuisine

If you haven’t heard the praises about French cuisine, you’ve probably been stranded on a deserted island for most of your life. Some of the best chefs in the world are trained here, and some of the most celebrated restaurants can be experienced on French land. From foie gras to creme brulee, this cuisine is every foodie’s dream. The best part? You don’t have to go to a Michelin 3-starred restaurant and spend a fortune. Street stands, pastry shops, and even cafes also offer a piece of heaven on a plate.

  1. It Is The Most Visited Country In The World For A Reason

High fashion, countless festivals, world-class museums, gastronomy, language, history and beauty, are just some of the reasons why France is ranked as one of the world’s most visited countries. It is also why several of its visitors decide to come back time and time again.

Whether you love cosmopolitan cities, want to escape into nature, or feel at home in picturesque small towns, France has something for absolutely everyone. It is a country that will surprise you with beauty and thrills at every turn, and will always leave you wanting more.